順位 | 頻出 | 単語 | 発音 | 意味 | 英文使用例 | 品詞 |
1901 | 20 | thunder | [ˈθʌndər] | 雷 | The thunder rumbled in the distance as the storm approached. | 名詞 |
1902 | 20 | weaken | [ˈwiːkən] | 弱くする | The illness weakened his immune system. | 動詞 |
1903 | 20 | poverty | [ˈpɑːvərti] | 貧困 | Many organizations work to alleviate poverty in developing countries. | 名詞 |
1904 | 20 | scrape | [skreɪp] | 擦る | Be careful not to scrape the car against the wall when parking. | 動詞 |
1905 | 20 | arrow | [ˈæroʊ] | 矢 | The archer shot an arrow straight into the bullseye. | 名詞 |
1906 | 20 | tender | [ˈtendər] | 柔らかい | The meat was so tender it melted in my mouth. | 形容詞 |
1907 | 20 | cruel | [ˈkruːəl] | 残酷な | It was cruel of him to tease the younger children. | 形容詞 |
1908 | 20 | soften | [ˈsɔːfn] | 和らげる | Add a little milk to soften the mashed potatoes. | 動詞 |
1909 | 20 | mouse | [maʊs] | ねずみ | The cat chased the mouse around the house. | 名詞 |
1910 | 20 | hay | [heɪ] | 干し草 | The horses munched on hay in the stable. | 名詞 |
1911 | 20 | anyhow | [ˈeniˌhaʊ] | とにかく | It’s raining, but let’s go for a walk anyhow. | 副詞 |
1912 | 20 | alike | [əˈlaɪk] | 似ている | The twins looked so alike it was hard to tell them apart. | 形容詞 |
1913 | 20 | circular | [ˈsɜːrkjələr] | 円形の | The dining table was a large, circular piece of glass. | 形容詞 |
1914 | 20 | juice | [dʒuːs] | ジュース | Pour a glass of orange juice for breakfast. | 名詞 |
1915 | 20 | shelf | [ʃelf] | 棚 | Place the books back on the shelf when you’re done. | 名詞 |
1916 | 20 | bake | [beɪk] | 焼く | I’ll bake a cake for the birthday party. | 動詞 |
1917 | 20 | hatred | [ˈheɪtrɪd] | 憎しみ | Hatred and intolerance have no place in a peaceful society. | 名詞 |
1918 | 20 | cautious | [ˈkɔːʃəs] | 用心深い | Be cautious when driving in icy conditions. | 形容詞 |
1919 | 19 | basket | [ˈbæskɪt] | かご | She carried a basket of flowers to the table. | 名詞 |
1920 | 19 | wreck | [rek] | 難破船 | The old shipwreck was a popular spot for scuba divers. | 名詞 |
1921 | 19 | width | [wɪdθ] | 幅 | Measure the width of the room before buying a new rug. | 名詞 |
1922 | 19 | confident | [ˈkɑːnfɪdənt] | 自信のある | She gave a confident presentation to the board of directors. | 形容詞 |
1923 | 19 | log | [lɔːɡ] | 丸太 | We sat on a log by the campfire and told stories. | 名詞 |
1924 | 19 | heap | [hiːp] | 積み重ねる | The leaves were heaped in piles waiting to be jumped in. | 動詞 |
1925 | 19 | suck | [sʌk] | 吸う | Use a straw to suck the milkshake up from the glass. | 動詞 |
1926 | 19 | ladder | [ˈlædər] | はしご | Climb the ladder carefully to avoid falling. | 名詞 |
1927 | 19 | gap | [ɡæp] | 隙間 | There was a large gap between the two buildings. | 名詞 |
1928 | 19 | obey | [oʊˈbeɪ] | 従う | Children should obey their parents and teachers. | 動詞 |
1929 | 19 | hut | [hʌt] | 小屋 | The hikers took shelter in a mountain hut during the storm. | 名詞 |
1930 | 19 | axe | [æks] | 斧 | The lumberjack swung his axe to chop down the tree. | 名詞 |
1931 | 19 | translation | [trænzˈleɪʃn] | 翻訳 | The book was a translation of a famous French novel. | 名詞 |
1932 | 19 | collar | [ˈkɑːlər] | 襟 | The dog wore a collar with its name and address. | 名詞 |
1933 | 19 | delivery | [dɪˈlɪvəri] | 配達 | The pizza delivery arrived just in time for dinner. | 名詞 |
1934 | 19 | reproduce | [ˌriːprəˈduːs] | 複製する | The artist gave permission for the museum to reproduce his paintings in a catalog. | 動詞 |
1935 | 19 | confession | [kənˈfeʃn] | 告白 | The criminal signed a written confession admitting to the crime. | 名詞 |
1936 | 19 | pan | [pæn] | フライパン | Heat some oil in a pan before adding the vegetables. | 名詞 |
1937 | 19 | prejudice | [ˈpredʒədɪs] | 偏見 | We must work to eliminate prejudice and discrimination in society. | 名詞 |
1938 | 19 | voyage | [ˈvɔɪɪdʒ] | 航海 | The ship embarked on a three-month voyage across the Atlantic. | 名詞 |
1939 | 19 | tobacco | [təˈbækoʊ] | タバコ | Smoking tobacco is harmful to your health. | 名詞 |
1940 | 18 | simplicity | [sɪmˈplɪsəti] | シンプルさ | The room’s decor was charming in its simplicity. | 名詞 |
1941 | 18 | paste | [peɪst] | 張り付ける | Paste the photos onto the pages of the scrapbook. | 動詞 |
1942 | 18 | cake | [keɪk] | ケーキ | Bake a chocolate cake for the party. | 名詞 |
1943 | 18 | elephant | [ˈelɪfənt] | 象 | The elephant used its trunk to drink water from the river. | 名詞 |
1944 | 18 | ribbon | [ˈrɪbən] | リボン | Tie a ribbon around the gift box to make it look pretty. | 名詞 |
1945 | 18 | harvest | [ˈhɑːrvɪst] | 収穫する | The farmers will harvest the wheat in late summer. | 動詞 |
1946 | 18 | ashamed | [əˈʃeɪmd] | 恥じている | He felt ashamed of his behavior and apologized. | 形容詞 |
1947 | 18 | cave | [keɪv] | 洞窟 | The explorers discovered a hidden cave in the mountains. | 名詞 |
1948 | 18 | customary | [ˈkʌstəmeri] | 慣習的な | It is customary to bow when greeting someone in Japan. | 形容詞 |
1949 | 18 | thief | [θiːf] | 泥棒 | The thief was caught stealing from the jewelry store. | 名詞 |
1950 | 18 | damp | [dæmp] | 湿った | The morning dew left the grass feeling damp. | 形容詞 |
1951 | 18 | sew | [soʊ] | 縫う | I need to sew a button back onto my shirt. | 動詞 |
1952 | 18 | rust | [rʌst] | 錆びる | The old bicycle was covered in rust from being left out in the rain. | 動詞 |
1953 | 18 | separation | [ˌsepəˈreɪʃn] | 分離 | The couple filed for legal separation before divorcing. | 名詞 |
1954 | 18 | waiter | [ˈweɪtər] | ウェイター | The waiter took our order and brought us our food. | 名詞 |
1955 | 18 | pet | [pet] | ペット | She kept a pet rabbit in a cage in her bedroom. | 名詞 |
1956 | 18 | straw | [strɔː] | ストロー | Sip the iced tea through a straw. | 名詞 |
1957 | 18 | upset | [ʌpˈset] | 動揺した | The unexpected news left her feeling quite upset. | 形容詞 |
1958 | 18 | towel | [ˈtaʊəl] | タオル | Dry your hands with a clean towel. | 名詞 |
1959 | 18 | refresh | [rɪˈfreʃ] | リフレッシュする | Take a short break to refresh your mind before continuing. | 動詞 |
1960 | 17 | essence | [ˈesns] | 本質 | The essence of the argument is that both sides must compromise. | 名詞 |
1961 | 17 | fur | [fɜːr] | 毛皮 | The cat’s soft fur felt warm and comforting. | 名詞 |
1962 | 17 | ambitious | [æmˈbɪʃəs] | 野心的な | She had an ambitious plan to start her own business. | 形容詞 |
1963 | 17 | defendant | [dɪˈfendənt] | 被告 | The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges. | 名詞 |
1964 | 17 | daylight | [ˈdeɪlaɪt] | 日光 | The room was filled with bright daylight from the large windows. | 名詞 |
1965 | 17 | dip | [dɪp] | 浸す | Dip the brush into the paint before applying it to the wall. | 動詞 |
1966 | 17 | suspicious | [səˈspɪʃəs] | 疑わしい | The man’s behavior seemed suspicious, so the police questioned him. | 形容詞 |
1967 | 17 | imaginary | [ɪˈmædʒɪneri] | 想像上の | The child had an imaginary friend who went everywhere with her. | 形容詞 |
1968 | 17 | ash | [æʃ] | 灰 | The campfire burned down to ashes by morning. | 名詞 |
1969 | 17 | carriage | [ˈkærɪdʒ] | 馬車 | The princess rode to the ball in a grand carriage pulled by white horses. | 名詞 |
1970 | 17 | educator | [ˈedʒəkeɪtər] | 教育者 | As an educator, she was passionate about helping children learn. | 名詞 |
1971 | 17 | saw | [sɔː] | のこぎり | Use a saw to cut the wood into smaller pieces. | 名詞 |
1972 | 17 | stove | [stoʊv] | ストーブ | Put the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil. | 名詞 |
1973 | 17 | rubber | [ˈrʌbər] | ゴム | The soles of the shoes were made of durable rubber. | 名詞 |
1974 | 17 | rug | [rʌɡ] | 敷物 | The colorful rug added a cozy touch to the living room. | 名詞 |
1975 | 17 | misery | [ˈmɪzəri] | 苦痛 | The loss of his job left him in misery and despair. | 名詞 |
1976 | 17 | awkward | [ˈɔːkwərd] | ぎこちない | There was an awkward silence after he told the joke that no one found funny. | 形容詞 |
1977 | 17 | rival | [ˈraɪvl] | ライバル | The two companies were fierce rivals in the marketplace. | 名詞 |
1978 | 16 | roast | [roʊst] | ローストする | I will roast the turkey in the oven for dinner. | 動詞 |
1979 | 16 | deed | [diːd] | 行為 | The brave firefighter was honored for his heroic deed. | 名詞 |
1980 | 16 | preference | [ˈprefrəns] | 選好 | Given the choice, my preference would be the blue one. | 名詞 |
1981 | 16 | explosion | [ɪkˈsploʊʒn] | 爆発 | The gas leak caused a massive explosion that destroyed the building. | 名詞 |
1982 | 16 | theatrical | [θiˈætrɪkl] | 演劇の | The actor’s performance was highly theatrical and engaging. | 形容詞 |
1983 | 16 | cultivate | [ˈkʌltɪveɪt] | 耕す | The farmer works hard to cultivate his fields and grow healthy crops. | 動詞 |
1984 | 16 | collector | [kəˈlektər] | 収集家 | She is an avid collector of rare stamps from around the world. | 名詞 |
1985 | 16 | miserable | [ˈmɪzrəbl] | 惨めな | The cold, rainy weather made everyone feel miserable. | 形容詞 |
1986 | 16 | wrist | [rɪst] | 手首 | She wore a delicate gold bracelet around her wrist. | 名詞 |
1987 | 16 | rabbit | [ˈræbɪt] | ウサギ | The magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat. | 名詞 |
1988 | 16 | accustom | [əˈkʌstəm] | 慣れさせる | It took me a while to accustom myself to the new job’s early start time. | 動詞 |
1989 | 16 | tide | [taɪd] | 潮 | The tide was low, exposing the rocky shore. | 名詞 |
1990 | 16 | insult | [ɪnˈsʌlt] | 侮辱する | It is rude to insult people based on their appearance. | 動詞 |
1991 | 16 | thumb | [θʌm] | 親指 | The baby sucked her thumb for comfort. | 名詞 |
1992 | 16 | lump | [lʌmp] | 塊 | He added a lump of sugar to his tea and stirred. | 名詞 |
1993 | 16 | annoy | [əˈnɔɪ] | いらだたせる | The buzzing fly continued to annoy her as she tried to work. | 動詞 |
1994 | 16 | toy | [tɔɪ] | おもちゃ | The child played happily with her new toy. | 名詞 |
1995 | 16 | heal | [hiːl] | 治癒する | The cut on his arm slowly began to heal. | 動詞 |
1996 | 16 | shallow | [ˈʃæloʊ] | 浅い | Be careful swimming in the shallow end of the pool. | 形容詞 |
1997 | 16 | repetition | [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn] | 反復 | Language learning requires much repetition and practice. | 名詞 |
1998 | 16 | soup | [suːp] | スープ | On a cold day, nothing is better than a hot bowl of soup. | 名詞 |
1999 | 15 | whistle | [ˈwɪsl] | 笛を吹く | The referee blew the whistle to start the game. | 動詞 |
2000 | 15 | scenery | [ˈsiːnəri] | 風景 | The mountain scenery was breathtakingly beautiful. | 名詞 |
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