AI(Claude 3)を使って、GSL(General Service List)に情報を追加してみた(単語2001-2100)




200115apple[ˈæpl]リンゴAn apple a day keeps the doctor away.名詞
200215offense[əˈfens]攻撃The team’s offense scored three goals in the first half.名詞
200315cork[kɔːrk]コルクThe wine bottle was sealed with a cork.名詞
200415ripe[raɪp]熟したWait until the bananas are ripe before eating them.形容詞
200515temper[ˈtempər]癇癪She has a quick temper and often gets angry easily.名詞
200615sore[sɔːr]痛いAfter the long hike, my feet were really sore.形容詞
200715pinch[pɪntʃ]つまむPinch the dough together to seal the edges of the pie crust.動詞
200815diamond[ˈdaɪəmənd]ダイヤモンドHe proposed to her with a stunning diamond ring.名詞
200915razor[ˈreɪzər]かみそりHe used a sharp razor to shave his beard.名詞
201015imaginative[ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv]想像力に富んだThe child told an imaginative story about dragons and fairies.形容詞
201115hook[hʊk]フックHang your coat on the hook by the door.名詞
201215copper[ˈkɑːpər]The old penny is made of copper.名詞
201315landlord[ˈlændlɔːrd]大家The landlord raised the rent for the apartment.名詞
201414influential[ˌɪnfluˈenʃl]影響力のあるHer work has been influential in shaping modern art.形容詞
201514rot[rɑːt]腐敗するThe fallen tree was left to rot in the forest.動詞
201614hollow[ˈhɑːloʊ]空洞のThe tree trunk was hollow inside.形容詞
201714enclose[ɪnˈkloʊz]囲むPlease enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your application.動詞
201814harden[ˈhɑːrdn]硬化させるThe clay will harden when fired in the kiln.動詞
201914wicked[ˈwɪkɪd]邪悪なThe villain had a wicked plan to take over the world.形容詞
202014stiffen[ˈstɪfn]固くするMix the flour and water until the dough begins to stiffen.動詞
202114silk[sɪlk]The dress was made of smooth, shimmering silk.名詞
202214upright[ˈʌpraɪt]直立のStand upright with your shoulders back and head held high.形容詞
202314selfish[ˈselfɪʃ]利己的なIt was selfish of him to take the last piece of cake without sharing.形容詞
202414stripe[straɪp]縞模様The zebra’s black and white stripes help it blend into the herd.名詞
202514pig[pɪg]ブタThe farmer raised pigs, cows, and chickens.名詞
202614inward[ˈɪnwərd]内側のShe felt an inward sense of calm despite the chaos around her.形容詞
202714excellence[ˈeksələns]優れていることThe school is known for its academic excellence.名詞
202814rake[reɪk]レーキUse a rake to gather the fallen leaves in the yard.名詞
202914purple[ˈpɜːrpl]紫のShe wore a deep purple dress to the gala.形容詞
203014hasten[ˈheɪsn]急がせるWe must hasten to finish the project before the deadline.動詞
203114shorten[ˈʃɔːrtn]短くするShe decided to shorten her hair for the summer.動詞
203214applause[əˈplɔːz]拍手The audience erupted in applause after the stunning performance.名詞
203314ache[eɪk]痛むMy head started to ache after staring at the computer screen for too long.動詞
203414apology[əˈpɑːlədʒi]謝罪He offered a sincere apology for his mistake.名詞
203514knot[nɑːt]結び目Tie a knot in the rope to secure it tightly.名詞
203614nephew[ˈnefjuː]My nephew is my sister’s son.名詞
203714cushion[ˈkʊʃn]クッションThe sofa had soft, plush cushions for added comfort.名詞
203814drown[draʊn]溺れるBe sure to wear a life jacket when boating to avoid drowning.動詞
203914nursery[ˈnɜːrsəri]託児所The working parents sent their child to the nursery during the day.名詞
204014pint[paɪnt]パイントI’d like to order a pint of beer, please.名詞
204114fierce[fɪrs]激しいThe two teams engaged in a fierce competition for the championship title.形容詞
204213imitate[ˈɪmɪteɪt]模倣するThe younger siblings often imitate the behavior of the older ones.動詞
204313aloud[əˈlaʊd]声に出してRead the passage aloud so everyone can hear.副詞
204413gaiety[ˈɡeɪəti]陽気さThe festival was filled with music, laughter, and gaiety.名詞
204513robbery[ˈrɑːbəri]強盗The police are investigating a string of bank robberies in the area.名詞
204613tighten[ˈtaɪtn]引き締めるTighten the screws to ensure the shelf is secure.動詞
204713perfection[pərˈfekʃn]完璧The painter strived for perfection in each brushstroke.名詞
204813scorn[skɔːrn]軽蔑するShe looked at him with scorn after he made the offensive comment.動詞
204913whoever[huːˈevər]誰でもWhoever finishes the race first will win the grand prize.代名詞
205013trunk[trʌŋk]トランクThe elephant used its trunk to reach the high branches.名詞
205113wool[wʊl]羊毛The sweater was made from soft, warm wool.名詞
205213sailor[ˈseɪlər]船員The sailor navigated the ship through the stormy seas.名詞
205313competitor[kəmˈpetɪtər]競争相手The company must stay innovative to stay ahead of its competitors.名詞
205413moonlight[ˈmuːnlaɪt]月光The moonlight cast a soft glow over the garden.名詞
205513deer[dɪr]シカA herd of deer grazed in the meadow.名詞
205613bean[biːn]Add a can of kidney beans to the chili for extra protein.名詞
205713everyday[ˈevrideɪ]日常のBrushing your teeth is an everyday habit that promotes good oral hygiene.形容詞
205813drawer[drɔːr]引き出しI keep my socks in the top drawer of the dresser.名詞
205913disregard[ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑːrd]無視するYou shouldn’t disregard the doctor’s advice about healthy eating.動詞
206012nowadays[ˈnaʊədeɪz]最近ではNowadays, many people work remotely from home.副詞
206112patriotic[ˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk]愛国的なThe crowd waved patriotic flags during the national anthem.形容詞
206212tin[tɪn]ブリキThe cookies were stored in a decorative tin.名詞
206312penny[ˈpeni]ペニーHe found a lucky penny on the sidewalk.名詞
206412cage[keɪdʒ]ケージThe bird sang happily in its cage.名詞
206512pardon[ˈpɑːrdn]許すThe governor granted a pardon to the wrongly convicted man.動詞
206612lately[ˈleɪtli]最近I haven’t been sleeping well lately due to stress.副詞
206712offend[əˈfend]不快にさせるI didn’t mean to offend you with my comment.動詞
206812coarse[kɔːrs]粗いThe sandpaper had a coarse texture that quickly smoothed the wood.形容詞
206912spoil[spɔɪl]甘やかすDon’t spoil your appetite by eating snacks before dinner.動詞
207012horizontal[ˌhɔːrɪˈzɑːntl]水平のThe flag hung in a horizontal position on the wall.形容詞
207112sting[stɪŋ]刺すThe bee sting caused his arm to swell and turn red.動詞
207212ditch[dɪtʃ]The car veered off the road and landed in a ditch.名詞
207312librarian[laɪˈbreriən]図書館員The librarian helped me find the book I was looking for.名詞
207412meantime[ˈmiːnˌtaɪm]その間にI’ll start the laundry; in the meantime, can you vacuum the living room?副詞
207512cough[kɔːf]咳をするCover your mouth when you cough to prevent spreading germs.動詞
207612deaf[def]耳が不自由なMy grandfather is hard of hearing, but he’s not completely deaf.形容詞
207712sword[sɔːrd]The knight drew his sword and prepared for battle.名詞
207812messenger[ˈmesɪndʒər]使者The king sent a messenger to deliver the important news.名詞
207912vain[veɪn]むなしいShe checked her reflection in every mirror out of vanity.形容詞
208012castle[ˈkæsl]The royal family lived in a grand castle on a hill.名詞
208112elastic[ɪˈlæstɪk]弾力のあるThe waistband of the pants is elastic for a comfortable fit.形容詞
208212comb[koʊm]くしUse a fine-toothed comb to remove tangles from your hair.名詞
208312rod[rɑːd]The curtains hung from a metal rod above the window.名詞
208411widen[ˈwaɪdn]広げるThe road will widen from two lanes to four.動詞
208511sorrow[ˈsɑːroʊ]悲しみThe family was filled with sorrow after the loss of their beloved pet.名詞
208611inventor[ɪnˈventər]発明家Thomas Edison was a famous inventor known for the light bulb.名詞
208711cliff[klɪf]Be careful not to get too close to the edge of the cliff.名詞
208811umbrella[ʌmˈbrelə]Don’t forget to bring an umbrella, it’s supposed to rain today.名詞
208911interruption[ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃn]中断I apologize for the interruption, please continue with your presentation.名詞
209011merry[ˈmeri]陽気なThe children were merry and excited on Christmas morning.形容詞
209111gallon[ˈɡælən]ガロンThe recipe calls for one gallon of milk.名詞
209211conquest[ˈkɑːŋkwest]征服The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire began in 1519.名詞
209311headache[ˈhedeɪk]頭痛The loud music gave me a splitting headache.名詞
209411tailor[ˈteɪlər]仕立て屋He took his suit to the tailor for alterations.名詞
209511bucket[ˈbʌkɪt]バケツFill the bucket with water and use it to mop the floor.名詞
209611scent[sent]香りThe rose garden was filled with a sweet scent.名詞
209711signature[ˈsɪɡnətʃər]署名Please sign your name on the signature line at the bottom of the contract.名詞
209811cart[kɑːrt]カートThe grocery store provides carts for customers to use while shopping.名詞
209911darken[ˈdɑːrkən]暗くするThe clouds began to darken as the storm approached.動詞
210011sometime[ˈsʌmtaɪm]いつかLet’s get together sometime next week for coffee.副詞


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