順位 | 頻出 | 単語 | 発音 | 意味 | 英文使用例 | 品詞 |
1801 | 25 | fork | [fɔːrk] | フォーク | Use your fork to eat the salad. | 名詞 |
1802 | 25 | noon | [nuːn] | 正午 | Let’s meet for lunch at noon tomorrow. | 名詞 |
1803 | 25 | ownership | [ˈoʊnərʃɪp] | 所有権 | The ownership of the property is disputed. | 名詞 |
1804 | 25 | tune | [tuːn] | 調子 | The guitarist tuned his instrument before the performance. | 名詞 |
1805 | 25 | polish | [ˈpɑːlɪʃ] | 磨く | Polish the silver until it shines. | 動詞 |
1806 | 25 | poison | [ˈpɔɪzn] | 毒 | The snake’s venom is a deadly poison. | 名詞 |
1807 | 25 | shame | [ʃeɪm] | 恥 | The student hung his head in shame after being caught cheating. | 名詞 |
1808 | 25 | loyalty | [ˈlɔɪəlti] | 忠誠心 | The soldier’s loyalty to his country was unwavering. | 名詞 |
1809 | 25 | cottage | [ˈkɑːtɪdʒ] | コテージ | They rented a cozy cottage by the lake for the summer. | 名詞 |
1810 | 25 | astonish | [əˈstɑːnɪʃ] | 驚かせる | The magician’s trick astonished the audience. | 動詞 |
1811 | 25 | shave | [ʃeɪv] | 剃る | He shaves his beard every morning. | 動詞 |
1812 | 25 | feather | [ˈfeðər] | 羽 | The bird preened its colorful feathers. | 名詞 |
1813 | 25 | sauce | [sɔːs] | ソース | Add a splash of soy sauce to the stir-fry for flavor. | 名詞 |
1814 | 25 | lid | [lɪd] | ふた | Put the lid on the pot to let the rice steam. | 名詞 |
1815 | 25 | debt | [det] | 借金 | He is struggling to pay off his student loan debt. | 名詞 |
1816 | 25 | fade | [feɪd] | 衰える | The flowers will fade if not watered regularly. | 動詞 |
1817 | 25 | confess | [kənˈfes] | 告白する | The suspect confessed to the crime during interrogation. | 動詞 |
1818 | 25 | classification | [ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] | 分類 | The library uses the Dewey Decimal system for book classification. | 名詞 |
1819 | 24 | descend | [dɪˈsend] | 降りる | The hikers carefully descended the steep trail. | 動詞 |
1820 | 24 | cape | [keɪp] | 岬 | The lighthouse stands on the rocky cape. | 名詞 |
1821 | 24 | mild | [maɪld] | 穏やかな | The salsa is mild, not spicy. | 形容詞 |
1822 | 24 | clever | [ˈklevər] | 賢い | The detective was very clever in solving the mystery. | 形容詞 |
1823 | 24 | envelope | [ˈenvəloʊp] | 封筒 | Please seal the letter in an envelope before mailing it. | 名詞 |
1824 | 24 | invention | [ɪnˈvenʃn] | 発明 | The invention of the printing press revolutionized communication. | 名詞 |
1825 | 24 | sheep | [ʃiːp] | 羊 | The shepherd guided his flock of sheep to greener pastures. | 名詞 |
1826 | 24 | splendid | [ˈsplendɪd] | 素晴らしい | The fireworks display was absolutely splendid. | 形容詞 |
1827 | 24 | stamp | [stæmp] | 切手 | Affix a stamp to the envelope before mailing the letter. | 名詞 |
1828 | 24 | float | [floʊt] | 浮かぶ | The toy boat floated gently down the stream. | 動詞 |
1829 | 24 | brick | [brɪk] | レンガ | The house was built with red brick. | 名詞 |
1830 | 24 | rice | [raɪs] | 米 | Serve the stir-fry over a bed of steamed rice. | 名詞 |
1831 | 24 | businessman | [ˈbɪznəsmæn] | 実業家 | The successful businessman invested in several start-up companies. | 名詞 |
1832 | 24 | backward | [ˈbækwərd] | 後ろ向きに | The car reversed and moved backward into the parking space. | 副詞 |
1833 | 24 | qualification | [ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] | 資格 | A bachelor’s degree is the minimum qualification for this position. | 名詞 |
1834 | 24 | artificial | [ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃl] | 人工の | Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly sophisticated. | 形容詞 |
1835 | 24 | attraction | [əˈtrækʃn] | 魅力 | The amusement park’s newest ride was a popular attraction. | 名詞 |
1836 | 24 | lamp | [læmp] | ランプ | Turn on the desk lamp to improve visibility. | 名詞 |
1837 | 24 | curl | [kɜːrl] | 巻く | She used a curling iron to curl her hair. | 動詞 |
1838 | 23 | shower | [ˈʃaʊər] | シャワー | Take a warm shower to relax after a long day. | 名詞 |
1839 | 23 | elder | [ˈeldər] | 年上の | Respect your elders and listen to their advice. | 形容詞 |
1840 | 23 | bunch | [bʌntʃ] | 束 | She bought a bunch of bananas at the grocery store. | 名詞 |
1841 | 23 | bell | [bel] | ベル | The church bell rang to signal the start of the service. | 名詞 |
1842 | 23 | steer | [stɪr] | 操縦する | Steer the boat towards the shore. | 動詞 |
1843 | 23 | flavor | [ˈfleɪvər] | 風味 | The chef added herbs to enhance the dish’s flavor. | 名詞 |
1844 | 23 | spit | [spɪt] | つばを吐く | It’s rude to spit in public. | 動詞 |
1845 | 23 | rob | [rɑːb] | 奪う | Thieves tried to rob the bank, but the police arrived in time. | 動詞 |
1846 | 23 | cream | [kriːm] | クリーム | Add a dollop of whipped cream to the pie. | 名詞 |
1847 | 23 | interrupt | [ˌɪntəˈrʌpt] | 中断する | Please don’t interrupt me while I’m speaking. | 動詞 |
1848 | 23 | pen | [pen] | ペン | Write your name on the form with a black pen. | 名詞 |
1849 | 23 | weave | [wiːv] | 織る | The skilled artisan can weave beautiful tapestries. | 動詞 |
1850 | 23 | orange | [ˈɔːrɪndʒ] | オレンジ | Peel the orange and separate it into segments. | 名詞 |
1851 | 23 | rescue | [ˈreskjuː] | 救助する | The firefighters worked quickly to rescue the trapped victims. | 動詞 |
1852 | 23 | crush | [krʌʃ] | 潰す | Crush the garlic cloves with the flat side of a knife. | 動詞 |
1853 | 23 | humble | [ˈhʌmbl] | 謙虚な | Despite his success, he remained humble and grateful. | 形容詞 |
1854 | 23 | fancy | [ˈfænsi] | 高級な | They dined at a fancy French restaurant for their anniversary. | 形容詞 |
1855 | 23 | decay | [dɪˈkeɪ] | 腐敗する | Without proper care, the building will decay over time. | 動詞 |
1856 | 23 | polite | [pəˈlaɪt] | 礼儀正しい | The well-mannered child always used polite language. | 形容詞 |
1857 | 23 | tribe | [traɪb] | 部族 | The indigenous tribe has lived in the rainforest for generations. | 名詞 |
1858 | 22 | bleed | [bliːd] | 出血する | Apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. | 動詞 |
1859 | 22 | coin | [kɔɪn] | 硬貨 | He flipped a coin to make a decision. | 名詞 |
1860 | 22 | fond | [fɑːnd] | 好きである | I’m quite fond of chocolate ice cream. | 形容詞 |
1861 | 22 | autumn | [ˈɔːtəm] | 秋 | The leaves change colors in autumn. | 名詞 |
1862 | 22 | classify | [ˈklæsɪfaɪ] | 分類する | Scientists classify animals into different species. | 動詞 |
1863 | 22 | omit | [oʊˈmɪt] | 省略する | Be careful not to omit any important details in your report. | 動詞 |
1864 | 22 | loyal | [ˈlɔɪəl] | 忠実な | The loyal dog followed its owner everywhere. | 形容詞 |
1865 | 22 | needle | [ˈniːdl] | 針 | Thread the needle to sew on a button. | 名詞 |
1866 | 22 | lessen | [ˈlesn] | 減らす | Wearing sunscreen can lessen the risk of sunburn. | 動詞 |
1867 | 22 | complaint | [kəmˈpleɪnt] | 不平 | The customer filed a complaint about the poor service. | 名詞 |
1868 | 22 | pad | [pæd] | パッド | Write your grocery list on the notepad. | 名詞 |
1869 | 22 | steep | [stiːp] | 急な | The trail became very steep as they climbed the mountain. | 形容詞 |
1870 | 22 | skirt | [skɜːrt] | スカート | She wore a flowing skirt that reached her ankles. | 名詞 |
1871 | 22 | curtain | [ˈkɜːrtn] | カーテン | Close the curtains to block out the bright sunlight. | 名詞 |
1872 | 22 | calculation | [ˌkælkjəˈleɪʃn] | 計算 | Double-check your calculations before submitting your answer. | 名詞 |
1873 | 22 | laughter | [ˈlæftər] | 笑い声 | The room was filled with the sound of children’s laughter. | 名詞 |
1874 | 22 | solemn | [ˈsɑːləm] | 厳粛な | The funeral was a solemn occasion. | 形容詞 |
1875 | 22 | grease | [ɡriːs] | 油脂 | Clean the grease off the stove after cooking. | 名詞 |
1876 | 22 | interfere | [ˌɪntərˈfɪr] | 干渉する | Please don’t interfere with my work. | 動詞 |
1877 | 22 | explode | [ɪkˈsploʊd] | 爆発する | The fireworks exploded in a shower of colorful sparks. | 動詞 |
1878 | 22 | fasten | [ˈfæsn] | 留める | Fasten your seatbelt before the plane takes off. | 動詞 |
1879 | 21 | flag | [flæɡ] | 旗 | The American flag has 50 stars and 13 stripes. | 名詞 |
1880 | 21 | resign | [rɪˈzaɪn] | 辞任する | The CEO decided to resign from his position. | 動詞 |
1881 | 21 | postpone | [poʊˈspoʊn] | 延期する | Let’s postpone the meeting until next week. | 動詞 |
1882 | 21 | patience | [ˈpeɪʃns] | 忍耐 | Teaching young children requires a lot of patience. | 名詞 |
1883 | 21 | boast | [boʊst] | 自慢する | He likes to boast about his achievements. | 動詞 |
1884 | 21 | rope | [roʊp] | ロープ | Tie the boat to the dock with a sturdy rope. | 名詞 |
1885 | 21 | envy | [ˈenvi] | 羨む | I envy her ability to speak multiple languages fluently. | 動詞 |
1886 | 21 | airplane | [ˈerpˌleɪn] | 飛行機 | The airplane soared through the clouds. | 名詞 |
1887 | 21 | rid | [rɪd] | 取り除く | Let’s get rid of the clutter in the garage. | 動詞 |
1888 | 21 | shield | [ʃiːld] | 盾 | The knight carried a shield to protect himself in battle. | 名詞 |
1889 | 21 | veil | [veɪl] | ベール | The bride wore a lace veil over her face. | 名詞 |
1890 | 21 | kneel | [niːl] | ひざまずく | The knight knelt before the queen. | 動詞 |
1891 | 21 | tray | [treɪ] | トレー | The waiter carried a tray of drinks to the table. | 名詞 |
1892 | 21 | explosive | [ɪkˈsploʊsɪv] | 爆発性の | Handle the explosive materials with extreme caution. | 形容詞 |
1893 | 21 | brass | [bræs] | 真鍮 | The trumpet is made of shiny brass. | 名詞 |
1894 | 21 | taxi | [ˈtæksi] | タクシー | Let’s take a taxi to the airport. | 名詞 |
1895 | 21 | wax | [wæks] | ワックス | The floor shone after being polished with wax. | 名詞 |
1896 | 21 | duck | [dʌk] | アヒル | The duck swam in the pond and quacked. | 名詞 |
1897 | 21 | button | [ˈbʌtn] | ボタン | Sew the button back on the shirt. | 名詞 |
1898 | 21 | invent | [ɪnˈvent] | 発明する | Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. | 動詞 |
1899 | 20 | remedy | [ˈremədi] | 治療法 | The doctor prescribed a remedy for the patient’s ailment. | 名詞 |
1900 | 20 | bush | [bʊʃ] | 茂み | The rabbit disappeared into the bush. | 名詞 |
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