順位 | 頻出 | 単語 | 発音 | 意味 | 英文使用例 | 品詞 |
1601 | 37 | ocean | [ˈoʊʃn] | 海 | The Atlantic Ocean separates Europe and North America. | 名詞 |
1602 | 37 | ceremony | [ˈserəmoʊni] | 儀式 | The graduation ceremony will be held next week. | 名詞 |
1603 | 37 | decrease | [dɪˈkriːs] | 減少する | The population of the town has decreased over the past decade. | 動詞 |
1604 | 37 | prize | [praɪz] | 賞 | She won first prize in the poetry contest. | 名詞 |
1605 | 37 | harm | [hɑːrm] | 危害 | Smoking can cause serious harm to your health. | 名詞 |
1606 | 37 | insure | [ɪnˈʃʊr] | 保険をかける | Make sure to insure your valuable possessions. | 動詞 |
1607 | 37 | verse | [vɜːrs] | 詩 | She recited a beautiful verse from her favorite poem. | 名詞 |
1608 | 37 | pot | [pɑːt] | 鍋 | I cooked the soup in a large pot on the stove. | 名詞 |
1609 | 37 | sincere | [sɪnˈsɪr] | 誠実な | His apology seemed sincere and heartfelt. | 形容詞 |
1610 | 36 | cotton | [ˈkɑːtn] | 綿 | This shirt is made from 100% cotton. | 名詞 |
1611 | 36 | leaf | [liːf] | 葉 | In autumn, the leaves turn beautiful shades of red and gold. | 名詞 |
1612 | 36 | rub | [rʌb] | こする | Rub the lotion gently into your skin. | 動詞 |
1613 | 36 | medicine | [ˈmedsn] | 薬 | Take this medicine twice a day with meals. | 名詞 |
1614 | 36 | stroke | [stroʊk] | なでる | The cat purred as I stroked its soft fur. | 動詞 |
1615 | 36 | bite | [baɪt] | かむ | The dog tried to bite the mailman. | 動詞 |
1616 | 36 | lung | [lʌŋ] | 肺 | Smoking can cause serious damage to your lungs. | 名詞 |
1617 | 36 | lonely | [ˈloʊnli] | 孤独な | She felt lonely after moving to a new city. | 形容詞 |
1618 | 36 | admission | [ədˈmɪʃn] | 入場 | Admission to the museum is free on Tuesdays. | 名詞 |
1619 | 36 | stupid | [ˈstuːpɪd] | 愚かな | It was a stupid mistake that cost us the game. | 形容詞 |
1620 | 36 | scratch | [skrætʃ] | ひっかく | The cat scratched me when I tried to pick it up. | 動詞 |
1621 | 36 | composition | [ˌkɑːmpəˈzɪʃn] | 作文 | The student’s composition was well-written and thoughtful. | 名詞 |
1622 | 36 | broadcast | [ˈbrɔːdkæst] | 放送する | The news will be broadcast live at 6 PM. | 動詞 |
1623 | 36 | drum | [drʌm] | ドラム | The drummer kept a steady beat throughout the song. | 名詞 |
1624 | 36 | resist | [rɪˈzɪst] | 抵抗する | It was hard to resist the temptation of the delicious cake. | 動詞 |
1625 | 36 | neglect | [nɪˈɡlekt] | 無視する | Don’t neglect your health by skipping meals and not exercising. | 動詞 |
1626 | 35 | absent | [ˈæbsənt] | 欠席の | He was absent from school yesterday due to illness. | 形容詞 |
1627 | 35 | passenger | [ˈpæsɪndʒər] | 乗客 | The passenger fastened his seatbelt before takeoff. | 名詞 |
1628 | 35 | adventure | [ədˈventʃər] | 冒険 | They went on an adventure in the jungle. | 名詞 |
1629 | 35 | beg | [beɡ] | 懇願する | He begged his parents for a new toy. | 動詞 |
1630 | 35 | pipe | [paɪp] | パイプ | Water flowed through the pipe to the faucet. | 名詞 |
1631 | 35 | beard | [bɪrd] | あごひげ | He grew a long beard over the winter months. | 名詞 |
1632 | 35 | bold | [boʊld] | 大胆な | It was a bold decision to quit his job and start a business. | 形容詞 |
1633 | 35 | meanwhile | [ˌmiːnˈwaɪl] | その間に | I’ll start the laundry; meanwhile, you can vacuum the living room. | 副詞 |
1634 | 35 | devil | [ˈdevl] | 悪魔 | In the story, the devil tempted the man to sin. | 名詞 |
1635 | 35 | cheer | [tʃɪr] | 応援する | The crowd cheered as the team scored the winning goal. | 動詞 |
1636 | 35 | nut | [nʌt] | ナット | Squirrels love to gather and eat nuts. | 名詞 |
1637 | 35 | split | [splɪt] | 分割する | Let’s split the bill evenly between the four of us. | 動詞 |
1638 | 35 | melt | [melt] | 溶ける | The ice cream began to melt in the hot sun. | 動詞 |
1639 | 35 | swear | [swer] | 誓う | I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. | 動詞 |
1640 | 35 | sugar | [ˈʃʊɡər] | 砂糖 | He takes his coffee with two sugars. | 名詞 |
1641 | 35 | bury | [ˈberi] | 埋める | They buried the treasure chest deep in the ground. | 動詞 |
1642 | 35 | wipe | [waɪp] | 拭く | Use a clean cloth to wipe the dust off the shelves. | 動詞 |
1643 | 35 | faint | [feɪnt] | かすかな | I could hear a faint whisper coming from the next room. | 形容詞 |
1644 | 35 | creature | [ˈkriːtʃər] | 生き物 | The ocean is home to many strange and wonderful creatures. | 名詞 |
1645 | 35 | tail | [teɪl] | 尾 | The dog wagged its tail excitedly when its owner came home. | 名詞 |
1646 | 35 | wealth | [welθ] | 富 | The country’s wealth comes from its natural resources. | 名詞 |
1647 | 34 | earnest | [ˈɜːrnɪst] | 真剣な | He seemed earnest in his desire to make amends. | 形容詞 |
1648 | 34 | translate | [trænsˈleɪt] | 翻訳する | Can you translate this document from Spanish to English? | 動詞 |
1649 | 34 | suspicion | [səˈspɪʃn] | 疑い | The detective had a suspicion that the witness was lying. | 名詞 |
1650 | 34 | noble | [ˈnoʊbl] | 高貴な | The king was known for his noble character and just rule. | 形容詞 |
1651 | 34 | inquiry | [ɪnˈkwaɪəri] | 問い合わせ | The customer made an inquiry about the status of their order. | 名詞 |
1652 | 34 | journey | [ˈdʒɜːrni] | 旅 | They embarked on a journey across the country. | 名詞 |
1653 | 34 | hesitate | [ˈhezɪteɪt] | ためらう | Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. | 動詞 |
1654 | 34 | extraordinary | [ɪkˈstrɔːrdneri] | 並外れた | Her singing voice was truly extraordinary. | 形容詞 |
1655 | 34 | borrow | [ˈbɑːroʊ] | 借りる | Can I borrow your pen for a moment? | 動詞 |
1656 | 34 | owe | [oʊ] | 借りがある | I owe you a favor for helping me move last weekend. | 動詞 |
1657 | 34 | funeral | [ˈfjuːnərəl] | 葬式 | They attended the funeral to pay their respects. | 名詞 |
1658 | 34 | ambition | [æmˈbɪʃn] | 野心 | Her ambition is to become a successful lawyer. | 名詞 |
1659 | 34 | mixture | [ˈmɪkstʃər] | 混合物 | The recipe calls for a mixture of flour, sugar, and salt. | 名詞 |
1660 | 34 | slope | [sloʊp] | 傾斜 | The skiers raced down the steep slope. | 名詞 |
1661 | 34 | criminal | [ˈkrɪmɪnl] | 犯罪者 | The police arrested the criminal and took him to jail. | 名詞 |
1662 | 34 | seldom | [ˈseldəm] | めったに〜ない | I seldom have time to read for pleasure these days. | 副詞 |
1663 | 34 | map | [mæp] | 地図 | Let’s consult a map to find the best route. | 名詞 |
1664 | 34 | spin | [spɪn] | 回転する | The top spun around and around on the table. | 動詞 |
1665 | 34 | praise | [preɪz] | 称賛する | The boss praised the employee for a job well done. | 動詞 |
1666 | 34 | spare | [sper] | 予備の | I always keep a spare tire in the trunk of my car. | 形容詞 |
1667 | 33 | plow | [plaʊ] | 耕す | The farmer used his tractor to plow the field. | 動詞 |
1668 | 33 | telegraph | [ˈtelɪɡræf] | 電報 | They sent a telegraph to inform their family of their safe arrival. | 名詞 |
1669 | 33 | barrel | [ˈbærəl] | 樽 | The wine was aged in oak barrels for two years. | 名詞 |
1670 | 33 | straighten | [ˈstreɪtn] | まっすぐにする | She paused to straighten her tie before entering the boardroom. | 動詞 |
1671 | 33 | scarce | [skers] | 不足した | Fresh water is scarce in this desert region. | 形容詞 |
1672 | 33 | lunch | [lʌntʃ] | 昼食 | Let’s meet for lunch at noon. | 名詞 |
1673 | 33 | slavery | [ˈsleɪvəri] | 奴隷制度 | The history book discussed the horrors of slavery in the American South. | 名詞 |
1674 | 33 | creep | [kriːp] | 忍び寄る | The cat crept silently through the grass, stalking a bird. | 動詞 |
1675 | 33 | sweat | [swet] | 汗 | He wiped the sweat from his brow after the long run. | 名詞 |
1676 | 33 | gay | [ɡeɪ] | ゲイの | The gay pride parade celebrated diversity and equality. | 形容詞 |
1677 | 33 | stiff | [stɪf] | 硬い | The new shoes were stiff and uncomfortable. | 形容詞 |
1678 | 33 | brave | [breɪv] | 勇敢な | The brave firefighters rushed into the burning building. | 形容詞 |
1679 | 33 | seize | [siːz] | つかむ | The police officer seized the suspect’s weapon. | 動詞 |
1680 | 33 | convenient | [kənˈviːniənt] | 都合のよい | The store’s location is convenient for downtown shoppers. | 形容詞 |
1681 | 33 | horizon | [həˈraɪzn] | 地平線 | The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and red. | 名詞 |
1682 | 33 | moderate | [ˈmɑːdərət] | 適度の | Moderate exercise is good for your health. | 形容詞 |
1683 | 33 | complicate | [ˈkɑːmplɪkeɪt] | 複雑にする | The bad weather complicated our travel plans. | 動詞 |
1684 | 33 | dig | [dɪɡ] | 掘る | The archaeologists carefully dug for artifacts at the site. | 動詞 |
1685 | 33 | curse | [kɜːrs] | 呪う | The witch placed a curse on the kingdom, causing crops to wither. | 動詞 |
1686 | 33 | weigh | [weɪ] | 重さを量る | The cashier will weigh your produce before ringing up the price. | 動詞 |
1687 | 33 | priest | [priːst] | 司祭 | The priest led the congregation in prayer. | 名詞 |
1688 | 33 | excessive | [ɪkˈsesɪv] | 過度の | The excessive heat wave caused many people to stay indoors. | 形容詞 |
1689 | 33 | quarrel | [ˈkwɔːrəl] | 口論する | The siblings often quarrel over toys. | 動詞 |
1690 | 32 | widow | [ˈwɪdoʊ] | 未亡人 | The widow mourned the loss of her husband. | 名詞 |
1691 | 32 | modest | [ˈmɑːdɪst] | 控えめな | Despite her success, she remained modest about her achievements. | 形容詞 |
1692 | 32 | dine | [daɪn] | 食事をする | They chose to dine at a cozy Italian restaurant. | 動詞 |
1693 | 32 | politician | [ˌpɑːləˈtɪʃn] | 政治家 | The politician campaigned on a platform of tax reform. | 名詞 |
1694 | 32 | custom | [ˈkʌstəm] | 習慣 | It is a custom in their family to have a large feast on holidays. | 名詞 |
1695 | 32 | educate | [ˈedʒukeɪt] | 教育する | The school strives to educate students to be critical thinkers. | 動詞 |
1696 | 32 | salesman | [ˈseɪlzmən] | 販売員 | The car salesman persuaded them to buy the more expensive model. | 名詞 |
1697 | 32 | nail | [neɪl] | 爪 | She painted her nails a bright red color. | 名詞 |
1698 | 32 | tap | [tæp] | 蛇口 | Turn off the tap when you’re done brushing your teeth. | 名詞 |
1699 | 32 | eastern | [ˈiːstərn] | 東の | The sun rises in the eastern sky. | 形容詞 |
1700 | 32 | possession | [pəˈzeʃn] | 所持 | The keys were in his possession when he was arrested. | 名詞 |
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