順位 | 頻出 | 単語 | 発音 | 意味 | 英文使用例 | 品詞 |
1501 | 44 | persuade | [pərˈsweɪd] | 説得する | I tried to persuade him to change his mind, but he refused. | 動詞 |
1502 | 43 | certainty | [ˈsɜːrtnti] | 確実性 | There’s no certainty that the plan will succeed. | 名詞 |
1503 | 43 | cloth | [klɔːθ] | 布 | She wiped the spill with a damp cloth. | 名詞 |
1504 | 43 | eager | [ˈiːɡər] | 熱心な | The children were eager to open their presents on Christmas morning. | 形容詞 |
1505 | 43 | deserve | [dɪˈzɜːrv] | 値する | After all their hard work, they deserve a vacation. | 動詞 |
1506 | 43 | sympathetic | [ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk] | 思いやりのある | The nurse was very sympathetic to the patient’s concerns. | 形容詞 |
1507 | 43 | cure | [kjʊr] | 治療する | Researchers are still searching for a cure for cancer. | 動詞 |
1508 | 43 | trap | [træp] | わな | The mouse was caught in a trap set by the homeowner. | 名詞 |
1509 | 43 | puzzle | [ˈpʌzl] | パズル | Solving crossword puzzles is a great way to improve vocabulary. | 名詞 |
1510 | 43 | powder | [ˈpaʊdər] | 粉末 | Add two scoops of powder to the mixture and stir well. | 名詞 |
1511 | 43 | raw | [rɔː] | 生の | Sushi is made with raw fish. | 形容詞 |
1512 | 43 | mankind | [mænˈkaɪnd] | 人類 | The invention of the wheel was a major milestone for mankind. | 名詞 |
1513 | 43 | glad | [ɡlæd] | うれしい | I’m so glad you could make it to the party! | 形容詞 |
1514 | 43 | blame | [bleɪm] | 非難する | Don’t blame others for your own mistakes. | 動詞 |
1515 | 43 | whenever | [wenˈevər] | 〜するときはいつでも | You can call me whenever you need help. | 接続詞 |
1516 | 43 | anxiety | [æŋˈzaɪəti] | 不安 | Public speaking causes anxiety for many people. | 名詞 |
1517 | 42 | bus | [bʌs] | バス | I take the bus to work every morning. | 名詞 |
1518 | 42 | tremble | [ˈtrembl] | 震える | Her hands trembled as she opened the letter. | 動詞 |
1519 | 42 | sacred | [ˈseɪkrɪd] | 神聖な | The temple is a sacred place for worshippers. | 形容詞 |
1520 | 42 | fortunate | [ˈfɔːrtʃənət] | 幸運な | We were fortunate to find a parking spot so close to the entrance. | 形容詞 |
1521 | 42 | glory | [ˈɡlɔːri] | 栄光 | The team basked in the glory of their championship win. | 名詞 |
1522 | 42 | golden | [ˈɡoʊldən] | 金色の | The golden sunset was a beautiful sight. | 形容詞 |
1523 | 42 | neat | [niːt] | きちんとした | She always keeps her desk neat and tidy. | 形容詞 |
1524 | 42 | weekend | [ˌwiːkˈend] | 週末 | Do you have any plans for the weekend? | 名詞 |
1525 | 42 | treasury | [ˈtreʒəri] | 財務省 | The government’s treasury department manages the country’s finances. | 名詞 |
1526 | 42 | overcome | [ˌoʊvərˈkʌm] | 克服する | She worked hard to overcome her fear of public speaking. | 動詞 |
1527 | 42 | cat | [kæt] | 猫 | My cat loves to play with yarn and chase mice. | 名詞 |
1528 | 42 | sacrifice | [ˈsækrɪfaɪs] | 犠牲 | The soldier made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. | 名詞 |
1529 | 42 | complain | [kəmˈpleɪn] | 不平を言う | If you’re not satisfied with the service, please don’t hesitate to complain. | 動詞 |
1530 | 42 | elect | [ɪˈlekt] | 選ぶ | The people will elect a new president in November. | 動詞 |
1531 | 41 | roar | [rɔːr] | 吠える | The lion’s roar could be heard throughout the savanna. | 動詞 |
1532 | 41 | sake | [seɪk] | 利益 | For the sake of everyone’s safety, please follow the rules. | 名詞 |
1533 | 41 | temple | [ˈtempl] | 寺院 | The ancient temple was an architectural marvel. | 名詞 |
1534 | 41 | self | [self] | 自己 | It’s important to have a strong sense of self. | 名詞 |
1535 | 41 | compete | [kəmˈpiːt] | 競争する | Athletes from around the world will compete in the Olympics. | 動詞 |
1536 | 41 | nurse | [nɜːrs] | 看護師 | The nurse checked the patient’s vital signs. | 名詞 |
1537 | 41 | stuff | [stʌf] | もの | Can you help me move this stuff to the garage? | 名詞 |
1538 | 41 | stomach | [ˈstʌmək] | 胃 | I have a stomachache after eating too much junk food. | 名詞 |
1539 | 41 | peculiar | [pɪˈkjuːliər] | 風変わりな | She has a peculiar habit of collecting old dolls. | 形容詞 |
1540 | 41 | repair | [rɪˈper] | 修理する | The mechanic will repair the car’s engine. | 動詞 |
1541 | 41 | storm | [stɔːrm] | 嵐 | The storm caused power outages throughout the city. | 名詞 |
1542 | 41 | ton | [tʌn] | トン | The truck can carry up to 2 tons of cargo. | 名詞 |
1543 | 41 | desert | [ˈdezərt] | 砂漠 | The Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world. | 名詞 |
1544 | 41 | allowance | [əˈlaʊəns] | 手当 | Her weekly allowance is $20. | 名詞 |
1545 | 41 | servant | [ˈsɜːrvənt] | 召使い | The wealthy family had several servants to tend to their needs. | 名詞 |
1546 | 41 | hunger | [ˈhʌŋɡər] | 飢え | The famine caused widespread hunger in the region. | 名詞 |
1547 | 41 | conscience | [ˈkɑːnʃəns] | 良心 | His conscience wouldn’t allow him to cheat on the test. | 名詞 |
1548 | 41 | bread | [bred] | パン | I like to have toast and jam for breakfast. | 名詞 |
1549 | 41 | crash | [kræʃ] | 衝突する | The two cars crashed into each other at the intersection. | 動詞 |
1550 | 40 | tip | [tɪp] | 先端 | The tip of the iceberg is only a small part of the whole. | 名詞 |
1551 | 40 | strengthen | [ˈstreŋθn] | 強化する | Regular exercise will strengthen your muscles. | 動詞 |
1552 | 40 | proof | [pruːf] | 証拠 | The detective found proof that the suspect was guilty. | 名詞 |
1553 | 40 | generous | [ˈdʒenərəs] | 気前の良い | That was very generous of you to donate so much money. | 形容詞 |
1554 | 40 | sir | [sɜːr] | 〜様 | Excuse me, sir, could you tell me the time? | 名詞 |
1555 | 40 | tonight | [təˈnaɪt] | 今夜 | What would you like to have for dinner tonight? | 名詞 |
1556 | 40 | whip | [wɪp] | むち打つ | The horse rider used a whip to make the horse go faster. | 動詞 |
1557 | 40 | tongue | [tʌŋ] | 舌 | The cat’s rough tongue feels like sandpaper. | 名詞 |
1558 | 40 | mill | [mɪl] | 製粉所 | The old windmill used to grind grain into flour. | 名詞 |
1559 | 40 | merchant | [ˈmɜːrtʃənt] | 商人 | The merchant sold silks and spices from the Far East. | 名詞 |
1560 | 40 | coal | [koʊl] | 石炭 | The power plant burns coal to generate electricity. | 名詞 |
1561 | 40 | ruin | [ˈruːɪn] | 破壊する | The earthquake and tsunami ruined many coastal towns. | 動詞 |
1562 | 40 | introduction | [ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃn] | 紹介 | The speaker gave a brief introduction before starting his presentation. | 名詞 |
1563 | 40 | courage | [ˈkɜːrɪdʒ] | 勇気 | It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in. | 名詞 |
1564 | 40 | actor | [ˈæktər] | 俳優 | He is a talented actor known for his versatile roles. | 名詞 |
1565 | 40 | belt | [belt] | ベルト | He threaded the belt through the loops on his jeans. | 名詞 |
1566 | 39 | stir | [stɜːr] | かき混ぜる | Stir the soup gently to mix the ingredients. | 動詞 |
1567 | 39 | package | [ˈpækɪdʒ] | 小包 | The package was delivered to my doorstep. | 名詞 |
1568 | 39 | punish | [ˈpʌnɪʃ] | 罰する | The child was punished for misbehaving in class. | 動詞 |
1569 | 39 | reflection | [rɪˈflekʃn] | 反射 | I could see my reflection in the mirror. | 名詞 |
1570 | 39 | breathe | [briːð] | 呼吸する | Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. | 動詞 |
1571 | 39 | anywhere | [ˈeniˌwer] | どこでも | You can find a coffee shop anywhere in the city. | 副詞 |
1572 | 39 | amuse | [əˈmjuːz] | 楽しませる | The clown’s antics amused the children. | 動詞 |
1573 | 39 | dull | [dʌl] | 退屈な | The movie was so dull that I fell asleep halfway through. | 形容詞 |
1574 | 39 | fate | [feɪt] | 運命 | It must have been fate that brought us together. | 名詞 |
1575 | 39 | net | [net] | 網 | The fisherman cast his net into the sea. | 名詞 |
1576 | 39 | fellowship | [ˈfeloʊʃɪp] | 仲間 | The group of artists formed a close fellowship. | 名詞 |
1577 | 39 | fault | [fɔːlt] | 欠点 | It’s not your fault that the project failed. | 名詞 |
1578 | 39 | furniture | [ˈfɜːrnɪtʃər] | 家具 | They bought new furniture for their living room. | 名詞 |
1579 | 39 | beam | [biːm] | 梁 | The wooden beams support the roof of the house. | 名詞 |
1580 | 39 | pencil | [ˈpensl] | 鉛筆 | Please fill out the form using a pencil. | 名詞 |
1581 | 39 | border | [ˈbɔːrdər] | 境界 | The river forms a natural border between the two countries. | 名詞 |
1582 | 39 | disappoint | [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt] | がっかりさせる | I don’t want to disappoint my parents by failing the exam. | 動詞 |
1583 | 38 | flame | [fleɪm] | 炎 | The candle’s flame flickered in the breeze. | 名詞 |
1584 | 38 | joke | [dʒoʊk] | 冗談 | He told a funny joke that made everyone laugh. | 名詞 |
1585 | 38 | bless | [bles] | 祝福する | The priest will bless the couple at their wedding. | 動詞 |
1586 | 38 | corn | [kɔːrn] | トウモロコシ | We ate fresh corn on the cob at the barbecue. | 名詞 |
1587 | 38 | shell | [ʃel] | 貝殻 | She collected seashells on the beach. | 名詞 |
1588 | 38 | tempt | [tempt] | そそのかす | The delicious aroma tempted me to buy a slice of cake. | 動詞 |
1589 | 38 | supper | [ˈsʌpər] | 夕食 | We had a light supper before going to bed. | 名詞 |
1590 | 38 | destruction | [dɪˈstrʌkʃn] | 破壊 | The hurricane caused widespread destruction along the coast. | 名詞 |
1591 | 38 | dive | [daɪv] | 飛び込む | She took a deep breath before diving into the pool. | 動詞 |
1592 | 38 | anxious | [ˈæŋkʃəs] | 心配する | I’m feeling anxious about the upcoming test. | 形容詞 |
1593 | 38 | shine | [ʃaɪn] | 輝く | The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky. | 動詞 |
1594 | 38 | cheap | [tʃiːp] | 安い | I found a cheap flight to Paris for my vacation. | 形容詞 |
1595 | 38 | dish | [dɪʃ] | 料理 | She prepared a delicious dish for dinner. | 名詞 |
1596 | 38 | distant | [ˈdɪstənt] | 遠い | The distant mountains were barely visible through the haze. | 形容詞 |
1597 | 38 | greet | [ɡriːt] | 挨拶する | The host greeted the guests as they arrived at the party. | 動詞 |
1598 | 37 | flood | [flʌd] | 洪水 | Heavy rains caused the river to flood the nearby town. | 名詞 |
1599 | 37 | excuse | [ɪkˈskjuːs] | 言い訳 | He made an excuse for being late to the meeting. | 名詞 |
1600 | 37 | insect | [ˈɪnsekt] | 昆虫 | A butterfly is an insect with colorful wings. | 名詞 |
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