AI(Claude 3)を使って、GSL(General Service List)に情報を追加してみた(単語901-1000)




901112whatever[wɑːtˈevər]何でもYou can choose whatever color you like.代名詞
902112round[raʊnd]丸いThe Earth is round, not flat.形容詞
903112rapid[ˈræpɪd]急速なThe company has seen rapid growth in recent years.形容詞
904112laugh[læf]笑うThe joke made everyone laugh.動詞
905111finger[ˈfɪŋɡər]She wore a ring on her finger.名詞
906111spot[spɑːt]場所Let’s meet at the same spot as last time.名詞
907110propose[prəˈpoʊz]提案するI would like to propose a new idea.動詞
908110shop[ʃɑːp]I need to go to the grocery shop to buy some milk.名詞
909110broad[brɔːd]広いThe river is very broad at this point.形容詞
910110replace[rɪˈpleɪs]交換するI need to replace the batteries in my remote control.動詞
911110reply[rɪˈplaɪ]返信するPlease reply to my email as soon as possible.動詞
912110extent[ɪkˈstent]程度The extent of the damage is still unknown.名詞
913109lock[lɑːk]ロックするDon’t forget to lock the door when you leave.動詞
914109employee[ɪmˈplɔɪiː]従業員The company has over 500 employees.名詞
915109ahead[əˈhed]前方にThe road ahead is closed due to construction.副詞
916109sight[saɪt]光景The sight of the sunset was breathtaking.名詞
917109spread[spred]広がるThe news spread quickly through the town.動詞
918109wind[wɪnd]The wind blew the leaves off the trees.名詞
919109approve[əˈpruːv]承認するThe manager needs to approve the budget.動詞
920109destroy[dɪˈstrɔɪ]破壊するThe hurricane destroyed many buildings.動詞
921108none[nʌn]誰も〜ないNone of the students knew the answer.代名詞
922108pound[paʊnd]ポンドThe bag of apples weighs five pounds.名詞
923108fame[feɪm]名声The actor rose to fame after starring in the movie.名詞
924108importance[ɪmˈpɔːrtns]重要性Education is of great importance.名詞
925107reflect[rɪˈflekt]反映するThe results reflect the hard work of the team.動詞
926107advantage[ədˈvæntɪdʒ]利点One advantage of living in the city is the convenience.名詞
927107match[mætʃ]試合The tennis match lasted for three hours.名詞
928107regular[ˈreɡjələr]定期的なI have a regular checkup with the dentist every six months.形容詞
929107wage[weɪdʒ]賃金The minimum wage has increased this year.名詞
930107refuse[rɪˈfjuːz]拒否するShe refused to answer the question.動詞
931107existence[ɪɡˈzɪstəns]存在The existence of life on other planets is still unknown.名詞
932106hardly[ˈhɑːrdli]ほとんど〜ないI could hardly hear what he was saying.副詞
933106perform[pərˈfɔːrm]実行するThe band will perform at the concert tonight.動詞
934106title[ˈtaɪtl]タイトルThe title of the book is “The Great Gatsby”.名詞
935105tend[tend]〜する傾向があるChildren tend to be more energetic than adults.動詞
936105exercise[ˈeksərsaɪz]運動Regular exercise is important for maintaining good health.名詞
937105thin[θɪn]薄いThe walls in this apartment are very thin.形容詞
938105coat[koʊt]コートDon’t forget to wear a coat, it’s cold outside.名詞
939105bit[bɪt]少しCan you speak a bit louder?名詞
940105mountain[ˈmaʊntn]We went hiking in the mountains last weekend.名詞
941105youth[juːθ]若者The youth of today face many challenges.名詞
942104behavior[bɪˈheɪvjər]行動The child’s behavior improved after attending therapy.名詞
943104newspaper[ˈnuːzpeɪpər]新聞I read the newspaper every morning.名詞
944104secret[ˈsiːkrət]秘密Can you keep a secret?名詞
945104ability[əˈbɪləti]能力She has the ability to speak five languages fluently.名詞
946104sea[siː]The sea is calm today, perfect for swimming.名詞
947104soft[sɔːft]柔らかいThe baby’s skin is so soft and smooth.形容詞
948104justice[ˈdʒʌstɪs]正義We must fight for justice and equality.名詞
949104reasonable[ˈriːznəbl]合理的なThe price of the car is reasonable considering its features.形容詞
950104circle[ˈsɜːrkl]Draw a circle using a compass.名詞
951104solid[ˈsɑːlɪd]固体のIce is water in its solid state.形容詞
952104page[peɪdʒ]ページPlease turn to page 25 in your textbook.名詞
953103weapon[ˈwepən]武器Guns are dangerous weapons.名詞
954103fast[fæst]速いHe is a very fast runner.形容詞
955103representative[ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv]代表者She is the representative for our department.名詞
956103search[sɜːrtʃ]探すI couldn’t find my keys anywhere, so I had to search the whole house.動詞
957103pure[pjʊr]純粋なThe ring is made of pure gold.形容詞
958103escape[ɪˈskeɪp]逃げるThe prisoner tried to escape from jail.動詞
959102crowd[kraʊd]群衆A large crowd gathered to watch the parade.名詞
960102stick[stɪk]He used a stick to poke the fire.名詞
961101telephone[ˈtelɪfoʊn]電話I need to make a quick telephone call.名詞
962101avoid[əˈvɔɪd]避けるYou should avoid eating too much junk food.動詞
963101garden[ˈɡɑːrdn]She enjoys spending time in her flower garden.名詞
964101favor[ˈfeɪvər]賛成するI would appreciate it if you could do me a favor.名詞
965101news[nuːz]ニュースDid you watch the news this morning?名詞
966101unless[ənˈles]〜でない限りI won’t go unless you come with me.接続詞
967100dinner[ˈdɪnər]夕食What would you like to have for dinner tonight?名詞
968100someone[ˈsʌmwʌn]誰かSomeone left their phone on the table.代名詞
969100signal[ˈsɪɡnəl]合図The teacher gave a signal for the students to begin the test.名詞
970100yard[jɑːrd]ヤードThe children are playing in the yard.名詞
971100ideal[aɪˈdiːəl]理想的なThis house is ideal for a large family.形容詞
972100warm[wɔːrm]暖かいThe sun feels warm on my skin.形容詞
973100miss[mɪs]逃すI missed the bus this morning.動詞
974100shelter[ˈʃeltər]避難所The homeless often seek shelter in abandoned buildings.名詞
975100soldier[ˈsoʊldʒər]兵士My grandfather was a soldier in World War II.名詞
97699article[ˈɑːrtɪkl]記事I read an interesting article about global warming.名詞
97799cry[kraɪ]泣くThe baby started to cry when she was hungry.動詞
97899captain[ˈkæptən]船長The captain of the ship welcomed us aboard.名詞
97999familiar[fəˈmɪliər]よく知っているThis place looks familiar, have we been here before?形容詞
98099seat[siːt]座席Please take a seat and wait for your name to be called.名詞
98199guest[ɡest]We’re having guests over for dinner tonight.名詞
98298weak[wiːk]弱いI feel weak after being sick for a week.形容詞
98398excite[ɪkˈsaɪt]興奮させるThe news of her promotion excited her.動詞
98498king[kɪŋ]The king ruled over the kingdom for many years.名詞
98598everyone[ˈevriwʌn]みんなEveryone in the room stood up and clapped.代名詞
98698wine[waɪn]ワインWe enjoyed a bottle of red wine with dinner.名詞
98797hole[hoʊl]There’s a hole in my sock.名詞
98897duty[ˈduːti]義務It’s my duty to help those in need.名詞
98997beat[biːt]打つHe beat the drum in time with the music.動詞
99097perfect[ˈpɜːrfɪkt]完璧なThe weather today is perfect for a picnic.形容詞
99197bottom[ˈbɑːtəm]The keys fell to the bottom of the bag.名詞
99297compose[kəmˈpoʊz]作曲するMozart composed many beautiful pieces of music.動詞
99397battle[ˈbætl]戦うThe two armies met in battle on the field.名詞
99497expense[ɪkˈspens]費用The company will cover all travel expenses for the conference.名詞
99597cattle[ˈkætl]The farmer has a herd of cattle grazing in the field.名詞
99696flow[floʊ]流れるThe river flows gently through the valley.動詞
99795kitchen[ˈkɪtʃən]台所I spend a lot of time cooking in the kitchen.名詞
99895dust[dʌst]ほこりThe shelves were covered in a thin layer of dust.名詞
99995bottle[ˈbɑːtl]ボトルCan you pass me the bottle of water, please?名詞
100094admit[ədˈmɪt]認めるI must admit that I made a mistake.動詞


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